Hall of Fame Nomination Procedures


All eligible candidates for nomination are sorted into one of two identified categories (i.e., Member-Submitted Nomination or AQHA Past President) and must adhere to the following procedural guidelines. All candidates fulfilling the requirements for nomination will be reviewed through multiple rounds of evaluation and are eligible for consideration using the "three-year rule."

1. Member-Submitted Nominations: Candidates will be evaluated based on five criteria as outlined in the Evaluation Procedures section, with nomination packets adhering to the following parameters:

a) Nomination must be submitted by a current AQHA member.

b) Nomination must be prepared by an AQHA member with knowledge of the nominee's activities, accomplishments, or impact within the American Quarter Horse industry, such as:

  • Horse: owner or breeder of the horse, exhibitor, jockey, promoter, trainer, etc.
  • Human: a family member, personal or close family friend, a business and/or professional contact, etc.

c) Nominator is encouraged to attend the Hall of Fame induction event and must be prepared to serve as a liaison for the induction process. This will require coordination with Hall of Fame staff to manage inductee/representative's event attendance, gathering related artifacts and photos for exhibition, and helping facilitate oral biography interviews.

d) Nominator must provide substantiating documentation for verification of all achievements, awards, and/or honors referenced within the nomination packet.

2. AQHA Past President: Candidate will be nominated and inducted with endorsement from the Past President's application for Executive Committee appointment.

  • An AQHA Executive Committee member who does not fulfill his/her term as AQHA President (i.e., due to illness, death or chooses to step down for personal reasons) must be nominated through the Member-Submitted nomination process.

Three-Year Rule

The "three-year rule" allows a nominee to be considered for induction for a maximum of three selection years (consideration period) before rotating off the evaluation schedule. The human or horse must be re-nominated after a three-year interval before being eligible for future consideration and/or induction. To verify a nominee's eligibility based on the "three-year rule," please contact us at (806) 378-5021

Conflicts of Interest

All members of the Hall of Fame Committee and Hall of Fame Subcommittee must observe current AQHA Standing Committee Guidelines, including the AQHA/AQHF Conflicts of Interest Policy. Additional information regarding specific conflicts of interest is available below.

Definition: A conflict of interest happens when an individual involved in representing multiple interests finds himself/herself in a decision-making situation, where serving one of those interests could involve working against another interest.

Examples include a relationship between the Committee/Subcommittee member and nominee in which personal, direct, financial and/or economic gain exists. This may include advertising, marketing or other promotion benefiting one or both parties (i.e., owner, breeder, business partner, exhibitor, jockey, promoter, trainer, etc.).

Specific Examples of Conflicts of Interest

  • Members of the Hall of Fame Committee and/or Subcommittee are NOT eligible for nomination during their tenure on the committee. Member(s) must resign their current committee position before becoming eligible for inductee consideration.
  • Members of the Hall of Fame Committee and/or Subcommittee may NOT submit a nomination for candidate induction during their tenure on the committee. Member(s) must resign their current committee position before nominating a candidate for inductee consideration.
  • Hall of Fame Committee and/or Subcommittee members may NOT submit letters of endorsement for nominee(s) during their tenure on the committee. Member(s) must resign their current committee position before becoming eligible to submit letter(s) of endorsement.
  • Hall of Fame Committee members must resign from their position on the Committee for the period of eligibility in which a family member is nominated through the member-submitted nomination category.
  • Members of the AQHA Executive Committee, AQHF Board of Trustees and Foundation Council are NOT eligible for nomination during their tenure.
  • Members of the AQHA Executive Committee, AQHF Board of Trustees and Foundation Council may NOT submit a nomination for candidate induction during their tenure.
  • Members of the AQHA Executive Committee, AQHF Board of Trustees and Foundation Council may NOT write letters of endorsement.
  • Current AQHA/AQHF employees may NOT nominate, writer letters of endorsement, and/or provide support for the nomination of a human or horse, nor are they eligible to be nominated while employed.

Members of the Hall of Fame Committee/Subcommittee who are identified as having a conflict of interest with any nomination being considered may score nomination materials as outlined in guidelines section II.B.2. First Round of Review. However, members are required to recuse themselves from discussion and voting to advance said nominee for induction ballot consideration.


All Member-Submitted Nominations must include the following materials for consideration. Nominations must be submitted electronically through the American Quarter Horse Foundation's online application system. All nomination materials must be submitted online by April 1.

1. Nomination Letter: Nominator must submit a letter of introduction to accompany the nomination packet.

  • The letter should contain specific information on the nominee's contributions and influence, and nominator's reasons for nominating them. Nominator can mention their specific character traits and industry impact. It's importance to detail the nominee's best qualities so that the evaluator understands why they're an excellent choice for Hall of Fame induction. Nominator can also mention how their actions have affected, inspired, or motivated nominator personally.
  •  The nomination letter should also include an index of the materials provided within the submitted packet.

2. Nominee Contact Summary: Nominator must provide current contact information for the nominee and/or their representative(s).

3. Letters of Endorsement: Nominator must include a minimum of three letters (required) to endorse the nomination. A maximum of five letters will be accepted for each nominee. Letters should be at least one-page in length.

     a) Letters of endorsement must be prepared by an individual with direct knowledge of the nominee's activities, accomplishments, or impact within the American Quarter Horse industry, such as:

  • Horse: owner or breeder of the horse, exhibitor, jockey, promoter, trainer, etc.
  • Human: a family member, personal or close family friend, a business and/or professional contact, etc.

     b) Letters should clearly indicate the nominee's contributions to their field or discipline and include the variety of activities performed to receive Hall of Fame recognition (i.e., nominee's industry-related activities, offices held, honors, achievements, horse's prominent offspring, other industry activities and achievements, etc.). 

     c) Current AQHA/AQHF Staff may NOT write letters of endorsement.

     d) Current AQHA Executive Committee, AQHF Board of Trustees, Foundation Council and Hall of Fame Committee/Subcommittee members may NOT write letters of endorsement.

4. Support Information: Nominator should include supplementary materials to enhance the nominee's application that further provides verification of all achievements, awards and/or honors referenced within the nomination packet. These items may include published works about the nominee through newspaper articles, feature stories, press releases, etc.

  • Ideally, a bibliography page should be included in the submission packet which outlines the support information provided. Achievements and/or awards should be dated and listed in reverse chronological order with the most recent listed first.
  • A five-generation pedigree for the nominated horse should be included in these supplementary materials.

All nomination materials must be submitted online. Faxed and/or mailed applications are NOT eligible for consideration. Questions or inquiries may be directed to the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame at (806) 378-5021 or museum@aqha.org.